Why am I feeling so stuck?

Are you overwhelmed by feelings of frustration and “stuckness”? You may literally be stuck in the same old routine, day in day out, week in week out. It may not even be your choice of routine, but a life that feels dictated by the demands of children, elderly parents, work, your partner, or ill health. You may be stuck in a relationship you know is wrong, but you can’t decide what to do about it. Or you may feel stuck at work. This could be due to lack of enjoyment in your job, a career that’s not progressing as you hoped, or feeling like you’re in the wrong job altogether.

But it’s important to recognise that these are all factors external to you, whereas what’s really going to get you unstuck are the internal choices you make for yourself. Once you have this awareness, you will probably find it easier to take positive action. For example:

· Recognise that you have choices and that you are in control of you.

· Identify your goals. What do YOU want for yourself?

· Look ahead to a you at some point in the future. Now think about what the future you would want you to do in the present.

· Look at your relationship with your partner objectively. What would you advise a friend to do if they were in your situation?

· If there are aspects of your life or your relationships that are toxic, seek appropriate help to leave that negativity behind you.

· Do something in your daily routine in a different way. Even small changes can help.

Counselling can help you identify what is stopping you from moving forward or making changes. This is often rooted in fear of failure, unrealistic expectations, perfectionist tendencies, or self-sabotage. Exploring what is holding you back, and working out why, is likely to help you reassess and re-evaluate your present, allowing you to move forwards with greater strength and a new purpose.

© Amanda Sheridan

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