Dealing with anxiety
Anxiety is a natural response to feeling threatened in some way. If you’re worrying about something that’s about to happen or you think might happen in the future, it’s normal to feel worried or scared, or even to experience physical symptoms. Most people feel anxious at times, particularly when dealing with stressful life events. But […]
Why do I keep avoiding problems?
Avoidance can be a way of coping with a stressful situation or issue, or with something or someone we perceive as a threat. It’s common to avoid problems and issues to some extent, but if you repeatedly avoid things that really need dealing with, it’s worth looking at why this is happening. You might be […]
Why am I feeling so stuck?
Are you overwhelmed by feelings of frustration and “stuckness”? You may literally be stuck in the same old routine, day in day out, week in week out. It may not even be your choice of routine, but a life that feels dictated by the demands of children, elderly parents, work, your partner, or ill health. […]
Work burnout: Is your job affecting your health?
We all have bad days at work. But what do you do when the bad days run into weeks, months, even years? When they start affecting your relationships with family and friends outside work and your whole attitude to life? If this is happening to you, you may be suffering from burnout. It’s important to […]

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